Who Are We?

We Are PGMC! A Chosen Family united by our love for music, dance, and service to the community.

Mission & Vision

Our Mission: The Philadelphia Gay Men's Chorus (PGMC) promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and LGBTQ+ awareness through exceptional musical performance, while fostering support, advocacy, and acceptance in the Greater Philadelphia area and beyond.

Our Vision: A community that celebrates differences and a chorus that inspires change.


  • consistent engagement with the LGBT and broader communities
  • our leadership in the Philadelphia artistic community, with entertaining and artistic productions covering a variety of musical genres
  • accepting all people and ensuring that all people feel accepted
  • conducting ourselves with professionalism, integrity, and accountability

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus recognizes that diverse communities are stronger communities. A wide range of backgrounds and experiences add to our artistic strength and leads to a greater connection to our audiences. Through a culture of diversity and inclusion, we increase the success of the Chorus, raise our profile, sustain our mission, and expand our outreach in Philadelphia and beyond.

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